20 October 2016

Colors of Joy

I have decided that sumac is my
favorite plant in the fall.

I never get tired of looking at this view!

19 October 2016

The Trembling of a Leaf

Never say there is nothing beautiful in the
world anymore. There is always something
to make you wonder in the shape of a tree,
the trembling of a leaf.

       --Albert Schweitzer

16 October 2016

14 October 2016

Awesome Autumn

Have I mentioned that Fall is my favorite time of year?

Will the animals be saving any corn for Uncle Denny?

A violet in October?

My walking path has turned into a marsh. 
No walking there until it freezes
(which I hope is not soon–I can go another way).

11 October 2016


Just One Bite

We've had our first frost, most of the mosquitoes
are gone, and I am able to enjoy walking in the
woods again. Hurray!