21 March 2017

Ice Out!

The ice is disappearing and each day we get more open water. I watched this large clump of reeds float over from way on the other side of the lake today.

17 March 2017

Winter Gifts Days 106-107

A beautiful sky and some odd tracks that have sprung up all around the house. 
Is someone having fun playing in the crunchy snow? 
Yes, I am!

07 March 2017

Winter Gifts Day 97

I found so many gifts outside today--I couldn't pick just one to share.

06 March 2017

Winter Gifts Day 96

This time of year is challenging. 
Everything looks so dead. 
But I know the secret of what is to come. 
Underneath the dreary surface, 
the hills are awakening 
and beginning to sing!

03 March 2017

Winter Gifts Day 93

Okay, I am now officially tired of winter 
and the gloomy landscape. 
I'm ready for some bright colors!
But there are still plenty of gifts to be found 
and if the tiny strawberry plant can be 
hopeful that spring is coming, so can I!

Bonus: this was an accidental photo, 
taken while I was putting my phone down, 
but I like it.

01 March 2017

Winter Gifts Day 91

I went down the road and walked with a neighbor/friend today.
The time flew! (So did the chilly wind.)