30 September 2015

What is it?

Today's gift: The whole Fairy Hat plant
I went back to the Fairy Hat plant to take photos of the whole plant and am hoping someone can tell me what it is. It is about knee high and the biggest leaves are a little smaller than my hand. I'm sure it would be called a weed, but it is rather interesting and a bit pretty with its yellow adornment.


  1. If you post those photos and general location on iNaturalist.org and ask for ID help, I bet someone will know. I post insects there now and then and get help. It requires starting an iNat account, but I think you will like it. You can even post photos from you smartphone if you want or later from your computer. With time, you can develop a list of animals and plants you have seen in your region. You can see my entries on iNat to get an idea at http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/dipperanch

    1. Thanks Cindy! That is a great suggestion. I'll take a look at INaturalist.
