12 December 2016

Winter Gifts

It is December and time for the go-outside-at-least-once-a-day-and-take-a-photo-of-a-winter-gift challenge to myself. I didn't do it last year and had a rough winter. I want to do everything I can to keep that from happening again! And I got outside after sunset on day one so my photo is out of focus. Turns out I really like it that way. A good gift for the start!

Winter gift day 1

Winter gift day 2

Winter gift day 3
Winter gift day 4
It is amazing what extraordinary gifts can be found in the ordinary. Yesterday's winter gift photo was a nighttime closeup of this. 

Winter gift day 5

Winter gift day 6

Winter gift day 7. Cold and windy and dark already at 5.
I went outside but didn't stay out for long. 

Winter gift day 8

Winter gift day 9

Winter gifts day 10
Winter gift day 11
Winter gift day 11 #2

Takes more effort to climb this hill when
it is covered in snow!

snow snake

Winter gifts day 12
A few degrees below zero isn't so bad when you dress right 
and the sun is out and the snow is all sparkly!

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